
how we work

How We Work

Flexibility is our approach to any dispute, with changes in process being made to best match your unique needs.

However, a typical mediation process includes the following stages:

mediation process
  • Initial contact with each party to the dispute to check that: all parties want to participate in the mediation process; parties understand the role of the mediator and the process for the mediation; and to make arrangements for the Pre Mediation Meeting.
  • Pre-Mediation Meeting. One-on-one, separate meeting with each party, by phone, video conference or face-to-face. Here you will explain the problem or dispute from your perspective, as well as your preferred outcomes. The mediator will explore your issues and options for resolution; ensure that mediation is the best process for you, as well help you be prepared for the mediation itself.
  • Mediation. Joint meeting where the mediator and all parties come together online or face-to-face. Here you will set an agenda for the meeting before sharing and exploring the concerns from everyone’s perspective. We will have some breaks during the mediation for you to speak privately and confidentially with the mediator. You will then share and explore ideas for resolution of the issues and work toward an agreement that all parties are able to accept.
how we work mediation process stages
  • Time. A mediation usually takes approximately three hours, but this can change in different circumstances with longer sessions where suitable.
  • Subsequent mediations can be scheduled if all the parties and the mediator agree that this would be useful.
  • Agreements. The mediator will document any agreements made during the mediation and provide copies to the parties. If a formal or court agreement is sought, the parties may need a lawyer to assist with the drafting into legal format, using the mediation agreement.
  • Feedback from the parties and follow up contact by the mediator within a few weeks of the mediation.
  • Legally Assisted Mediation. Sometimes lawyers participate in a mediation to advise and support the parties. Other times legal advice is sought by parties at some stage before or after a mediation.
  • Culture or religion may have a significant impact on a conflict. At Mediation Moves we have experience with considering the affects and needs of these differences.
  • Collaboration between mediators, lawyers, financial advisors and therapists is often the wisest way to work towards the resolution of ongoing conflict. At Mediation Moves we value collaborative work and our network of highly qualified fellow practitioners.